-- unspoken judgment of lady selling me 48-pack of twinkies
-- clown court
-- results from “Which Osmond Brother Is Your Myers-Briggs Type” online quiz (it’s going to be Meryl, though)
-- unspoken judgment of lady selling me 48-pack of twinkies
-- clown court
-- results from “Which Osmond Brother Is Your Myers-Briggs Type” online quiz (it’s going to be Meryl, though)
-- Because I misheard her say the word “folate”
-- Left life to the last minute again
-- Codependent relationship with donuts
-- when cousin Marshall brought his collage pieces to that MMA tourney
-- cayenne jello
-- CrocDates.com ("Date a Live Crocodile tonight!")
-- gonorrhea test
-- Trivial Pursuit with Al Gore
-- Total Honesty 2B
-- Showing Up on Time Seminar
-- Non-Masturbation Practicum
-- Your ass looks like my college roommate Paul (whom I always liked).
-- I am refreshed by your unironic vapidity!
-- Nice nuclear bomb, Einstein!