29 December 2014

#8433a: Semi-Furnished

-- the souls of DMV employees
-- a career plan based on the writing of 3-item lists
-- my pants

27 December 2014

#48813: Southwestern U.S. State License Plate Mottoes (Suggested, by Ultimately Not Used)

-- Chiba Stick!...And Lotto! (CO)
-- Go Easy on the Street Tacos. (AZ)
-- Someday…This Will All Be Radioactive Rubble... (NV)

26 December 2014

21 December 2014

#6671b: Early Gershwin Drafts

-- “Summertime and It’s a Livin’ (If You Follow My Meanin’…)”
-- “Rhapsody in Ecru”
-- “An American in a Parisian Restroom”

15 December 2014

#28664: Call It in the Air!

-- “shotgun” on that last parachute
-- direction tornado will take outhouse
-- Freds? Or Gayles?

14 December 2014

#16724: Bands I Have Played in in Dreams

 -- Fred Rumpell and the Escalatiers
 -- TimeTeeth
 -- The Rolling Stones

13 December 2014

#22686: Willing To (Just Not Available To)

-- drive you to airport
-- go the Burning Man with Ernest Hemingway’s skeleton in a suitcase
-- spank naughty strangers

09 December 2014

#54628b: My Mama Done Tol’ Me (More)

-- Don’t spank you no chickens!
-- Don’t buy you no snuggies!
-- Don’t post you no 3-item lists on social media sites!

08 December 2014

#15072: That Motorcycle Sounds Like

-- my colon an hour after lunch
-- somebody imitating a puma
-- your grandma, when she’s angry

05 December 2014

03 December 2014

#51360: Latest Hip Acronymic Slang (LHAS)


-- PUDIP (Pants Unzipped, Dancing in Public)

-- MTHSML (Man-Turtle Hybrid Senate Majority Leader)

-- TSAB (Terrestrial-Squid-Attack Bait)